Colonic Hydrotherapy treatments at Therapy are carried out in complete privacy by Emma Elizabeth Smith who is a trained Colonic Hydro therapist she is registered with the Guild Of colonic Hydro therapist and subsequently will have been trained at one of the approved (and inspected) Colonic Hydrotherapy training colleges.

Emma Has always been interested in a Healthy lifestyle both eating and exercising and became interested in Colonic Hydrotherapy researched into all the benefits and realised she could help many people overcome health issues by this completely natural process. In some cases helping people that would have otherwise been on medication for the rest of there lives. Emma is a very professional and caring person and respects the sensitivity of this procedure and would like to assure everyone that you are completely covered during a treatment and it is carried out in complete privacy. to help put people at their ease she prefers them to make an appointment to meet her this way she can explain the procedure in full discuss health issues and the benefits to expect from a Colonic Hydrotherapy Treatment.